To purchase a table or simply send in a donation, click on the above RSVP card. Payment can be made by either check or credit card by clicking here. Seats can be filled by the purchaser or donated to the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation.
The Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation holds an annual fundraiser dinner called Kulia I Ka Nu’u (“strive to reach for the highest”) that honors distinguished Hawaii public school graduates and an outstanding business for significant contributions in its field and the greater community.
The Kulia I Ka Nu’u dinner is the Foundation’s primary fundraising activity. Funds realized help support the Foundation’s Good Idea Grants, Education Innovation Grants, Design Thinking Bootcamp, Altino Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Genome Science and other programs. Click below to see videos of past projects.
Past Project Videos 2023 Honoree Nobel laureate Jennifer Doudna, Ph.DTo purchase a table or simply send in a donation, click on the above RSVP card. Payment can be made by either check or credit card by clicking here. Seats can be filled by the purchaser or donated to the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation.
General Information
Thursday, April 17, 2025
5:00 pm – Reception
6:00 pm – Dinner
Sheraton Waikiki, Hawaii Ballroom
Aloha Attire
Questions? Email
Su Shin
President, Hawaiian Telcom
President, William McKinley High School
Bowers + Kubota
Hawaii Dental Service – Corporate Honorees
Available reserved table(s) of eight:
Diamond Sponsor – $15,000
Gold Sponsor – $10,000
Silver Sponsor – $7,500
Bronze Sponsor – $5,000
We Know Success Starts with a Good Idea and a Great Teacher
Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation
P.O. Box 4148
Honolulu, HI 96812
The Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to strengthening the quality of public education in Hawaii by advancing innovation from within. Our programs and initiatives are designed to encourage those in public education to continually challenge themselves in pursuit of educational excellence. In addition, we help to equip students with the skills necessary to take on the challenges of an uncertain future. The Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. (Tax Exempt No. 88-0243449)